(That Is A Dumb Idea Chris)

But I built it anyway...


Unforgiving, the name of a new game I'm developing is rendered in a custom type style that I made. It is blocky and angular and geometric. I opted to use simple forms as a way to reduce the complexity of traditional letterforms while also still being readable. This version is rendered full white, #FFFFFF.

I am currently developing a new game. It's based on an idea I've had in my head for a while, but since no one else is making it, I figured I should do it. I don't really know what I'm doing, but that's ok. A tech demo is now available. Check it out.

Learn more about this game!

I am a designer with a lot of random ideas and a passion to explore. I am exploring game development, and learning how to do this. Join me on this journey, won’t you?

Check out my UX work at machinehuman.com